
王紫怡, 王雪松, 郭喆, 等. 通过分子对接及分子动力学模拟法探讨热毒宁治疗猴痘的可能机制[J]. 临床急诊杂志, 2022, 23(7): 463-468. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1009-5918.2022.07.002
引用本文: 王紫怡, 王雪松, 郭喆, 等. 通过分子对接及分子动力学模拟法探讨热毒宁治疗猴痘的可能机制[J]. 临床急诊杂志, 2022, 23(7): 463-468. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1009-5918.2022.07.002
WANG Ziyi, WANG Xuesong, GUO Zhe, et al. The possible mechanism of Reduning on monkeypox were studied by molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation[J]. J Clin Emerg, 2022, 23(7): 463-468. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1009-5918.2022.07.002
Citation: WANG Ziyi, WANG Xuesong, GUO Zhe, et al. The possible mechanism of Reduning on monkeypox were studied by molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation[J]. J Clin Emerg, 2022, 23(7): 463-468. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1009-5918.2022.07.002



The possible mechanism of Reduning on monkeypox were studied by molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulation

More Information
  • 目的 探究热毒宁用于治疗猴痘的可能性及可能作用靶点。方法 运用系统药理学方法查找并筛选热毒宁方剂中各中药的活性成分及对应靶点,以公共数据库查找猴痘相关基因,确定药物(热毒宁)与疾病(猴痘)的共享靶点。利用分子对接技术和分子动力学模拟技术筛选结合能力和稳定性较高的活性成分及靶点分子结合物。结果 豆甾醇与细胞色素P4503A4酶(CYP3A4)、槲皮素与表皮生长因子受体2(ERBB2)、β-谷甾醇与细胞色素P4502B6酶(CYP2B6)及β-谷甾醇与CYP3A4均具有较好的结合活性且均能展现良好的稳定性。结论 热毒宁可能通过介导CYP2B6、CYP3A4和ERBB2等靶点起到治疗猴痘的作用,热毒宁可能是临床上治疗猴痘的潜在药物。
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  • 图 1  猴痘-热毒宁共有靶点可视化

    图 2  分子动力学模拟相关指标展示

    图 3  分子对接稳定姿态展示

    表 1  热毒宁主要活性成分与猴痘-热毒宁共有靶点分子对接结合能

    例序 分子 蛋白 数据库ID 结合能
    1 stigmasterol CYP3A4 4d75 -9.6
    2 quercetin ERBB2 3pp0 -9.4
    3 beta_sitosterol CYP2B6 4rql -9.3
    4 beta_sitosterol CYP3A4 4d75 -9.3
    5 beta_sitosterol ERBB2 3pp0 -9.1
    6 quercetin CYP3A4 4d75 -9.0
    7 quercetin STAT1 7nuf -8.8
    8 quercetin CYP2B6 4rql -8.8
    9 kaempferol ERBB2 3pp0 -8.8
    10 kaempferol CYP3A4 4d75 -8.7
    11 corymbosin ERBB2 3pp0 -8.7
    12 kaempferol STAT1 7nuf -8.6
    13 kaempferol CYP2B6 4rql -8.5
    14 corymbosin CYP3A4 4d75 -8.3
    15 corymbosin CYP2B6 4rql -8.1
    16 corymbosin STAT1 7nuf -7.8
    17 quercetin IFNG 1eku -7.3
    18 stigmasterol STAT1 7nuf -7.2
    19 kaempferol IFNG 1eku -7.1
    20 beta_sitosterol STAT1 7nuf -7.0
    21 stigmasterol CYP2B6 4rql -7.0
    22 stigmasterol ERBB2 3pp0 -6.5
    23 stigmasterol CXCL8 1icw -6.3
    24 stigmasterol IFNG 1eku -6.3
    25 corymbosin IFNG 1eku -6.2
    26 beta_sitosterol CXCL8 1icw -6.1
    27 kaempferol CXCL8 1icw -5.9
    28 beta_sitosterol IFNG 1eku -5.8
    29 stigmasterol HSF1 5d5z -5.7
    30 beta_sitosterol HSF1 5d5z -5.6
    31 kaempferol IL-6 1alu -5.5
    32 quercetin HSF1 5d5z -5.4
    33 quercetin CXCL8 1icw -5.3
    34 stigmasterol IL-6 1alu -5.3
    35 corymbosin IL-6 1alu -5.3
    36 corymbosin CXCL8 1icw -5.2
    37 corymbosin HSF1 5d5z -5.2
    38 kaempferol HSF1 5d5z -5.1
    39 quercetin IL-6 1alu -5.1
    40 beta_sitosterol IL-6 1alu -4.9
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