Clinical value of sublingual microcirculation index, APACHEⅡ, NGAL and PCT for predicting sepsis-associated acute kidney injury
摘要: 目的 探讨舌下微循环[微血管流动指数(microvascular flow index, MFI)]、急性生理学与慢性健康状况评分Ⅱ(acute physiological and chronic health evaluation Ⅱ,APACHEⅡ)、中性粒细胞明胶酶相关脂钙蛋白(neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin,NGAL)和降钙素原(procalcitonin,PCT)对预测脓毒症相关性急性肾损伤(sepsis-associated acute kidney injury,SA-AKI)的临床价值。方法 本研究采用单中心前瞻性纵向观察研究,纳入2023年10月-2024年6月在川北医学院附属医院重症监护病房住院的60例脓毒症患者。根据是否发展为继发性急性肾损伤(acute kidney injury,AKI)分为非AKI组(31例)和AKI组(29例)。收集患者一般资料(年龄、性别、体重指数、基础疾病)、在ICU入院的前24 h实验室检查结果、APACHEⅡ评分、舌下微循环参数。采用logistic分析SA-AKI的危险因素,进一步利用受试者工作特征曲线(ROC)进行深入分析各指标对SA-AKI的发生预测价值。结果 ①AKI组APACHE Ⅱ评分、白介素-6、D-二聚体、NGAL显著高于非AKI组(P < 0.05)。在AKI组中,MFI的数值显著低于非AKI组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05)。②NGAL(OR=0.003,95%CI:1.003~1.103)和APACHE Ⅱ(OR=0.012,95%CI:1.055~1.545)是识别SA-AKI的独立危险因素。③ROC曲线分析显示,PCT、NGAL、APACHEⅡ评分、MFI与SA-AKI发生具有相关性,曲线下面积(AUC)分别为0.574(95%CI:0.427~0.722)、0.836(95%CI:0.722~0.951)、0.798(95%CI:0.675~0.921)、0.702(95%CI:0.562~0.841)。上述指标分别与MFI联合检测AUC分别为0.700(95%CI:0.561~0.84)、0.876(95%CI:0.78~0.971)、0.817(95%CI:0.708~0.927)。结论 NGAL、APACHEⅡ评分、MFI与SA-AKI发生具有相关性,联合检测NGAL和MFI与SA-AKI相关性最好,对SA-AKI发生有一定预测价值。
- 脓毒症 /
- 舌下微循环 /
- 急性肾损伤 /
- 中性粒细胞明胶酶相关脂钙蛋白
Abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical value of the sublingual microcirculation index(microvascular flow index, MFI), acute physiological and chronic health evaluation Ⅱ(APACHE Ⅱ) score, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin(NGAL), and procalcitonin(PCT) in the early identification of sepsis-associated acute kidney injury(SA-AKI).Methods A single-center, prospective, longitudinal observational study was conducted, involving sepsis patients admitted to the Critical Care Units of the Hospital Affiliated with North Sichuan Medical College between October 2023 and June 2024. Patients were categorized into two groups: non-AKI group(n=31) and AKI group(n=29), based on the development of secondary AKI. Demographic data(including age, sex, body mass index and fundamental diseases), laboratory tests, and the APACHE Ⅱ score were collected within the first 24 hours of admission. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify the risk factors for SA-AKI, and the predictive value of indicators was further evaluated using receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curves.Results ① Interleukin-6, D-dimer, NGAL, and APACHE Ⅱ score were higher in the AKI group compared to the non-AKI group(P < 0.05). The MFI in the AKI group was significantly lower than that in the non-AKI group(P < 0.05). ②NGAL(OR=0.003, 95%CI: 1.003-1.103) and APACHE Ⅱ(OR=0.012, 95%CI: 1.055-1.545) were identified as independent risk predictors for SA-AKI. ③ROC curve analysis suggested that PCT, NGAL, APACHE Ⅱ score and MFI had predictive value for sepsis-associated acute kidney injury, with AUCs of 0.574(95%CI: 0.427-0.722), 0.836(95%CI: 0.722-0.951), 0.798(95%CI: 0.675-0.921), and 0.702(95%CI: 0.562-0.841), respectively. Additionally, combined detection of the above indicators (PCT, NGAL and APACHE Ⅱscore) and MFI yielded AUCs were 0.700(95%CI: 0.561-0.840), 0.876(95%CI: 0.780-0.971), and 0.817(95%CI: 0.708-0.927).Conclusion NGAL, APACHE Ⅱscore and MFI exhibit a significant correlation in the context of SA-AKI, and the combined detection of NGAL and MFI holds predictive value for the development of SA-AKI. -
表 1 各组患者的一般资料
M(P25,P75) 项目 非AKI组(31例) AKI组(29例) t/z/χ2 P 年龄/岁 73.00(69.00,78.50) 73.00(69.00,78.00) -0.141 0.888 BMI/(kg/m2) 21.23(19.71,22.91) 22.04(20.60,24.21) -1.490 0.136 性别/例(%) 0.100 0.752 男 18(58.06) 18(62.07) 女 13(41.94) 11(37.93) 基础疾病/例(%) 冠心病 1.541 0.214 无 29(93.55) 23(79.31) 有 2(6.45) 6(20.69) 高血压 1.045 0.307 无 24(77.42) 19(65.52) 有 7(22.58) 10(34.48) 糖尿病 0.184 0.668 无 22(70.97) 22(75.86) 有 9(29.03) 7(24.14) 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 0.267 0.605 无 29(93.55) 25(86.21) 有 2(6.45) 4(13.79) 表 2 实验室检查结果
M(P25,P75),X±S 项目 非AKI组(31例) AKI组(29例) t/z/χ2 P IL-6/(pg/mL) 76.64(21.25,682.15) 703.00(131.66,1617.25) -2.280 0.023 D-D/(μg/mL) 2.90(1.65,15.05) 15.92(4.65,31.50) -2.934 0.003 PCT/(ng/mL) 4.45(0.61,12.25) 10.22(2.07,50.00) -1.743 0.081 NGAL/(ng/mL) 145.70(103.25,207.70) 605.00(283.70,836.50) -4.797 < 0.001 Scr/(mmol/L) 62.30(51.80,78.20) 72.10(56.30,88.50) 1.698 0.071 APACHEⅡ评分/分 20.03±5.59 26.50±6.37 -4.151 < 0.001 表 3 舌下微循环检查参数
M(P25,P75),X±S 项目 非AKI组(31例) AKI组(29例) t/z/χ2 P TVD/(mm/mm2) 16.81(15.99,17.88) 16.77(16.14,17.21) -0.259 0.796 PVD /(mm/mm2) 15.37±1.88 15.24±1.38 0.306 0.761 PPV/% 83.72±5.82 84.76±4.80 -0.753 0.454 MFI/au 2.53±0.19 2.39±0.19 2.760 0.008 HI/au 0.18(0.15,0.22) 0.17(0.14,0.21) -0.972 0.331 表 4 单因素logistic回归分析
因素 β SE P OR 95%CI 年龄 -0.014 0.024 0.542 0.986 0.941~1.032 BMI 0.180 0.105 0.087 1.197 0.975~1.469 性别 0.167 0.528 0.752 1.182 0.420~3.327 是否有冠心病 1.330 0.863 0.123 3.783 0.697~20.526 是否高血压 0.590 0.581 0.309 1.805 0.578~5.631 是否糖尿病 -0.251 0.587 0.669 0.778 0.246~2.459 是否慢性阻塞性肺疾病 0.842 0.908 0.354 2.320 0.391~13.753 IL-6 0 0 0.245 1.000 1.000~1.001 D-D 0.014 0.011 0.228 1.014 0.992~1.036 PCT 0.032 0.015 0.036 1.032 1.002~1.063 NGAL 0.007 0.002 <.001 1.007 1.003~1.011 Scr 0.024 0.015 0.098 1.025 0.996~1.054 APACHE Ⅱ评分 0.207 0.065 0.001 1.231 1.083~1.398 TVD -0.046 0.173 0.789 0.955 0.680~1.340 PVD -0.049 0.159 0.756 0.952 0.697~1.299 PPV 0.038 0.050 0.448 1.038 0.942~1.144 MFI -3.741 1.483 0.012 0.024 0.001~0.434 HI -2.661 4.690 0.570 0.070 0~685.747 表 5 多因素logistic回归分析
因素 β SE P OR 95%CI PCT -0.015 0.028 0.588 0.985 0.932~1.041 NGAL 0.008 0.003 0.003 1.008 1.003~1.013 APACHE Ⅱ评分 0.244 0.097 0.012 1.277 1.055~1.545 MFI -3.080 2.119 0.146 0.046 0.001~2.924 表 6 PCT、NGAL、APACHEⅡ评分、MFI对SA-AKI的预测价值
因素 AUC 截断点 灵敏度/% 特异度/% P 95%CI PCT 0.574 24.00 ng/mL 31.03 87.10 0.328 0.427~0.722 NGAL 0.836 267.09 ng/mL 75.86 90.32 < 0.001 0.722~0.951 APACHE Ⅱ评分 0.798 24.00分 71.43 87.10 < 0.001 0.675~0.921 MFI 0.702 2.49 au 75.86 74.19 0.008 0.562~0.841 PCT+MFI 0.700 0.43 75.86 67.74 0.008 0.561~0.840 NGAL+MFI 0.876 0.49 68.97 96.77 < 0.001 0.780~0.971 APACHEⅡ+MFI 0.817 0.59 64.29 93.55 < 0.001 0.708~0.927 -
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