Interpretation of expert consensus on emergency diagnosis and treatment of acute pancreatitis
摘要: 《急性胰腺炎急诊诊治专家共识》强调在急性胰腺炎的急性反应期进行强化监测和治疗,以保护脏器。急诊科医生需要完善诊断和评估,并合理分配医疗资源,治疗中需要多学科团队合作。此阶段重点采取“关键诊疗措施”,包括明确诊断、病因处理、液体复苏、阻断全身炎症反应综合征、营养治疗、肠道保护、抗生素使用及降低腹腔压力等措施。早期规范的诊疗措施可缩短脏器损伤时间,减少重症急性胰腺炎的发生,避免后期并发症,从而改善患者预后。Abstract: The "Expert Consensus on Emergency Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Pancreatitis" emphasizes the importance of intensive monitoring and treatment during the acute reaction phase of acute pancreatitis to protect organs. Emergency physician need to fulfil diagnosis and assessment, and allocate medical resources rationally, with multidisciplinary collaboration in treatment. "Key diagnostic and therapeutic measures" should be taken during this phase, including diagnosis, etiology handling, fluid resuscitation, blocking systemic inflammatory response syndrome, nutritional therapy, bowel protection, antibiotic use, and reducing abdominal pressure. Early standardized diagnostic and treatment measures can shorten the duration of organ damage, reduce the occurrence of severe acute pancreatitis, prevent later complications, and thereby improve patient outcomes.
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