
孔韦奇, 俞志强, 樊东来, 等. 急腹症患者需警惕网膜梗死:1例腹腔镜手术成功治疗网膜梗死的病例报告[J]. 临床急诊杂志, 2024, 25(4): 205-206. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1009-5918.2024.04.009
引用本文: 孔韦奇, 俞志强, 樊东来, 等. 急腹症患者需警惕网膜梗死:1例腹腔镜手术成功治疗网膜梗死的病例报告[J]. 临床急诊杂志, 2024, 25(4): 205-206. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1009-5918.2024.04.009
KONG Weiqi, YU Zhiqiang, FAN Donglai, et al. Omental infarction should be vigilant in patients with acute abdomen: a case report of successful laparoscopic treatment of omental infarction[J]. J Clin Emerg, 2024, 25(4): 205-206. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1009-5918.2024.04.009
Citation: KONG Weiqi, YU Zhiqiang, FAN Donglai, et al. Omental infarction should be vigilant in patients with acute abdomen: a case report of successful laparoscopic treatment of omental infarction[J]. J Clin Emerg, 2024, 25(4): 205-206. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1009-5918.2024.04.009



Omental infarction should be vigilant in patients with acute abdomen: a case report of successful laparoscopic treatment of omental infarction

More Information
  • 网膜梗死是急腹症中较为少见的病因之一,因其非特异性的腹部体征,容易与其他腹腔相关疾病混淆,术前明确诊断具有一定的挑战性。本文报告了1例51岁女性患者,因右上腹胀痛伴炎症指标升高就诊,入院后鉴于患者右上腹体征较重行腹腔镜手术治疗。术中发现患者小网膜梗死呈紫黑色坏死,且术后病理证实网膜梗死。患者术后恢复较快,术后2天顺利出院,回诊随访无异常。该病例反映出网膜梗死作为急腹症鉴别诊断的重要性,对于腹部体征较重且炎症指标较高的患者,建议行腹腔镜手术治疗。
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  • 图 1  患者腹部增强CT结果

    图 2  术中所见

    图 3  术后病理结果

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收稿日期:  2023-09-10
刊出日期:  2024-04-10
