
冼丽娜, 邓小彦, 陈伟. MASP家族表达水平与脓毒症患者不良预后风险的相关性[J]. 临床急诊杂志, 2024, 25(1): 19-23. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1009-5918.2024.01.004
引用本文: 冼丽娜, 邓小彦, 陈伟. MASP家族表达水平与脓毒症患者不良预后风险的相关性[J]. 临床急诊杂志, 2024, 25(1): 19-23. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1009-5918.2024.01.004
XIAN Lina, DENG Xiaoyan, CHEN Wei. Correlation between MASP family expression levels and risk of poor prognosis in patients with sepsis[J]. J Clin Emerg, 2024, 25(1): 19-23. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1009-5918.2024.01.004
Citation: XIAN Lina, DENG Xiaoyan, CHEN Wei. Correlation between MASP family expression levels and risk of poor prognosis in patients with sepsis[J]. J Clin Emerg, 2024, 25(1): 19-23. doi: 10.13201/j.issn.1009-5918.2024.01.004


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Correlation between MASP family expression levels and risk of poor prognosis in patients with sepsis

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  • 目的 对甘露聚糖结合凝集素相关丝氨酸蛋白酶(mannan-binding lectin associated serine proteases,MASP)家族表达水平与脓毒症患者预后风险的相关性进行分析。方法 将2018年1月—2022年12月于海南医学院第一附属医院诊治的113例脓毒症患者纳入研究,所有患者入院后均予补液、抗感染等规范化治疗,根据患者纳入研究28 d内是否死亡,将患者分为死亡组及存活组,比较两组患者一般临床资料及实验室指标,采用多因素logistic回归模型分析影响患者预后的因素,并对MASP家族表达水平与急性生理与慢性健康评分(acute physiology and chronic health evaluation,APACHE Ⅱ)评分相关性进行分析。结果 死亡组患者APACHE Ⅱ评分[(27.17±2.89)分]、白细胞[(15.34±2.11)×109/L]、超敏C反应蛋白[(26.19±3.87)mg/L]、MASP-1[(4 076.48±114.78)ng/L]、MASP-2[(58.75±6.31)ng/L]及MASP-3[(349.86±61.37)ng/L]水平显著高于存活组[(25.51±2.36)分,(14.23±1.64)×109/L,(28.36±3.92)mg/L,(3 848.65±89.24)ng/L,(48.22±3.54)ng/L,(216.93±54.74)ng/L],差异有统计学意义(均P < 0.05);白蛋白水平[(20.34±2.34)g/L]显著低于存活组[(24.78±2.61)g/L],差异有统计学意义(P < 0.001);多因素logistic回归分析示,高MASP-1水平(OR=1.019,P=0.019,95%CI:1.003~1.036)、MASP-2(OR=1.557,P=0.019,95%CI:1.078~2.306)及MASP-3(OR=1.033,P=0.047,95%CI:1.000~1.066)水平是影响患者预后的独立危险因素;Peason相关分析示:MASP-1、MASP-2及MASP-3水平与APACHE Ⅱ评分呈正相关(R=0.792,0.763,0.511,均P < 0.001)。结论 MASP家族表达水平升高与脓毒症患者不良预后呈显著正相关。
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  • 表 1  两组患者基线资料的比较 X±S

    一般资料 死亡组(34例) 存活组(79例) t/χ2 P
    年龄/岁 61.83±3.47 60.62±3.21 1.793 0.076
    性别/例(%) 0.272 0.602
      男 22(64.71) 47(59.49)
      女 12(35.29) 32(40.51)
    BMI/(kg/m2) 22.29±2.86 22.76±2.91 0.791 0.430
    感染部位/例(%) 2.105 0.551
      呼吸系统 9(26.47) 25(31.65)
      泌尿系统 4(11.76) 7(8.86)
      消化系统 15(44.12) 32(40.51)
      其他 6(17.65) 15(18.99)
      糖尿病 2(5.88) 4(5.06) 0.032 0.859
      慢性阻塞性肺疾病 1(2.94) 1(1.27) 0.384 0.536
      慢性肾脏病 1(2.94) 2(2.53) 0.015 0.901
      脑梗死 2(5.88) 5(6.33) 0.008 0.928
      高血压 1(2.94) 2(2.53) 0.015 0.901
      心力衰竭 3(8.82) 8(10.13) 0.046 0.830
      冠心病 4(11.76) 12(15.19) 0.229 0.632
    APACHE Ⅱ评分/分 27.17±2.89 25.51±2.36 3.200 0.002
    机械通气/例(%) 28(82.34) 54(68.35) 2.340 0.126
    WBC/(×109/L) 15.34±2.11 14.23±1.64 3.699 < 0.001
    PLT/(×109/L) 145.14±16.72 151.21±20.58 1.517 0.132
    ALB/(g/L) 20.34±2.34 24.78±2.61 8.547 < 0.001
    Scr/(μmol/L) 103.38±12.67 107.53±14.27 1.465 0.146
    hs-CRP/(mg/L) 26.19±3.87 28.36±3.92 2.709 0.008
    MASP-1/(ng/L) 4 076.48±114.78 3 848.65±89.24 11.389 < 0.001
    MASP-2/(ng/L) 58.75±6.31 48.22±3.54 11.299 < 0.001
    MASP-3/(ng/L) 349.86±61.37 216.93±54.74 11.411 < 0.001
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    表 2  影响患者预后的多因素logistic回归分析

    变量 β SE Wald P OR 95%CI
    APACHE Ⅱ评分 0.191 0.242 0.619 0.431 1.210 0.752~1.946
    WBC 0.040 0.346 0.013 0.908 0.961 0.488~1.892
    ALB 0.286 0.207 1.913 0.167 0.751 0.501~1.127
    hs-CRP 0.039 0.167 0.054 0.816 0.962 0.693~1.334
    MASP-1 0.019 0.008 5.537 0.019 1.019 1.003~1.036
    MASP-2 0.456 0.194 5.521 0.019 1.577 1.078~2.306
    MASP-3 0.032 0.016 3.947 0.047 1.033 1.000~1.066
    注:以预后为自变量,1=死亡;0=存活;因变量为APACHE Ⅱ评分、WBC、ALB、hs-CRP、MASP-1、MASP-2、MASP-3均为连续变量。
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    表 3  MASP家族表达水平与APACHE Ⅱ评分的相关性分析

    R P
    MASP-1 0.792 < 0.001
    MASP-2 0.763 < 0.001
    MASP-3 0.511 < 0.001
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