Abstract: The patients in intensive care unit(ICU) are in serious condition and often need hemodynamic monitoring, invasive blood pressure monitoring is one of the common monitoring methods. The radial artery is the first choice since it is superficial and easily accessible. If the puncture results in thrombosis or vascular occlusion in the radial artery, and the radial and ulnar arteries anastomose poorly, it will lead to the complications such as ischemia and gangrene at the finger end of the puncture hand, and result in serious adverse consequences. Therefore, before the puncture, it is necessary to routinely evaluate the anastomosis between the radial artery and the ulnar artery, evaluate the patient's hand blood supply, and choose the puncture blood vessel, reasonably to avoid the occurrence of the above-mentioned adverse events. The most commonly used methods are the Allen test and the modified Allen test in clinical work. For patients with serious illness such as confusion, edema, and anemia, color Doppler ultrasound combined with the Allen test can more accurately determine the hand blood of patients. It is worth promoting in clinical work.
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