Three level triage model of physician-nurse collaborative for Novel coronavirus pneumonia in emergency department
摘要: 目的:探讨医护一体三级分诊模式在急诊科防控新型冠状病毒肺炎中的应用实践。方法:在急诊科设置“三区两通道”,构建急诊三级分诊流程,设置三级分诊点,及时质控反馈。结果:急诊科平均每天接诊各类患者900余例,每天筛查出发热或疑似患者150余例,全部引导至发热门诊就诊或转运至隔离病房治疗,无漏诊、误诊现象。结论:构建医护一体化立体三级预检分诊体系,对患者的症状、体征、流行病学史层层筛查,可以有效做到早发现、早隔离、不漏诊一人,防止疫情扩散。Abstract: Objective: To explore three level triage model of physician-nurse collaborative for Novel coronavirus pneumonia in emergency department. Method: We set up "three areas and two channels", three-level triage points, build the three-level triage process in the emergency department, and timely quality control feedback. Result: Emergency department receives more than 900 patients every day, screening more than 150 cases of fever or suspected patients every day, all of them are guided to the fever clinic or transferred to the isolation ward for treatment, without missed diagnosis or misdiagnosis.Conclusion: To build three level triage model of physician-nurse collaborative and screen the symptoms, signs and epidemiological history of patients can effectively achieve early detection, early isolation, without missed diagnosis or misdiagnosis and prevent the spread of the epidemic.
Key words:
- Novel coronavirus /
- pneumonia /
- emergency department /
- triage /
- physician-nurse collaborative
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